Are you ready to level up your game?

I am here to serve

Is Stress Holding You Back?

Watch this video to find out
how the pros handle stress

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Wanting to be feel empowered, gain confidence, be more productive and effective or to just enjoy more?

In our one-on-one sessions, I use the Wheel of Life to help you zero in on the specific areas of your life where you feel you might use some improvement. Each customer receives a customized training plan designed specifically for them. 

The objective is to maximize your potential (your latent capability, or aptitude) by capitalizing on your assets, identifying your roadblocks and stresses, and zeroing in on the specific areas you want to improve.

In addition to helping you become more efficient and effective, I will assist you in developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Each customer receives a customized training plan designed specifically for them.

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Business teams

The benefits of coaching can be best experienced in a group setting. Individuals participating in a group coaching session may or may not be affiliated with the same organization.

Managers from various divisions, business owners, women in the workplace, members of a minority group, or even just a handful of high-performing workers could form a group.

Many organizations are turning to group coaching as a way to develop talent in their lower management ranks or even those who aspire to management but have yet to reach that level. 

Each person in a group coaching session is working toward their own individual objectives. Every member of the group should feel comfortable speaking up, and it is the coach’s role to keep the agenda in place.

The group learns through seeing one another coached, from exchanging insights and challenges, and from keeping each other accountable for taking action. The coach’s dual role as coach and facilitator necessitates creating an atmosphere where everyone feels safe enough to share openly and honestly.

sports teams

Team coaching is an effective strategy for boosting efficiency within a team. I’ve been helping out teams by means of a one-of-a-kind high-performance team assessment tool. This one-of-a-kind test evaluates the team’s efficiency and cohesion. As a part of my coaching, I provide team leaders with free access to an online assessment form because I am a Certified Team Performance Coach.

Even though it’s preferable for everyone on the team to take the evaluation and collaborate on ways to improve, the team leader can take a huge step in the right direction by conducting an evaluation.


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pros and student athletes

Athletes and students both struggle to strike a healthy work-life balance amid the demands of their respective athletic and academic pursuits. Students may not be able to give their all because of the added pressures and stress they are experiencing and may not know how to handle it. A mental performance coach works with pupils in a similar way to a sports coach, aiming to boost their overall performance. 

Building up one’s mental toughness is typically the deciding element in whether or not an athlete will make it to the top level of competition. Dora helps her clients zero in on their greatest assets and bust through any mental roadblocks holding them back from achieving their full potential. 

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Table Tennis

coaching and classes

In my working life, I compete and instruct in the sport of table tennis. You’ve landed at the correct place if you’re in search of expertly guided table tennis coach to help you reach your full potential. You may find my coaching services in New York City and online right now.

I can assist you with

Our volunteers had the privilege of engaging in a workshop with Dora. It was centered around motivation, mental toughness, and stress. The presentation included an amazing slideshow full of detailed information and captivating pictures. Everyone especially loved the interactive video where we practiced breathing. Thank you, Dora, for taking the time to share your knowledge. Your presentation will surely help our volunteers interact with and help develop our students, as well as advance their own personal lives.
Robert Gerstman
Kings County Tennis League (KCTL) - Program Manager
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