Get Your Game Face On – Table Tennis (Ebook)

Product Description:

Have you ever stopped to consider how elite table tennis players deal with the pressure of competition and consistently perform at their best? How do they summon and sustain their talent and skill when they need it, regardless of the circumstances? What does it take? What makes them so special? And how can you learn from their example? Your goal as an athlete is to get your body to do what it’s capable of doing under pressure. Take a second and consider this: the top complaint that players have is – “I can’t execute in competition, under pressure, when it counts the most!”

Each of us has our own unique peak performance “zone.” This zone has very specific chemistry behind it – one you can train for and learn to control. This Fast Guide calls it your Game Face and gives you the tools to get in the zone. When you are in the zone, you can play your best table tennis on demand, when it counts, on a consistent basis. Get Your Game Face On! Table Tennis: A Fast Start Guide walks you through building a personalized Game Face routine between points and helps you to manage stress during even the fiercest competition.


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